
Tag : Retirement

20 Jan 2022

AUTUMN Newsletter 2021

  Autumn: Time to hunker down and get organised As the year progresses to the season of ‘mists and mellow fruitfulness’, thoughts inevitably turn to hunkering down with hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows as the nights draw in. Autumn is a season traditionally associated with change, as well as themes of comfort, preservation and protection; a time to get things in order. Time to prepare In many ways, autumn is the perfect time to get things done and that is […]

29 Jul 2021

Your Window on Money – SPRING 2021

New investors spring into action With interest rates plummeting to record lows, savers are discovering that cash is not always king. This is encouraging a new band of investors to dip their toes in the investment market. While some families have suffered financially during the pandemic, many have saved significant sums due to a reduction in spending on non-essential items. Official data1 shows the UK household savings ratio soared from 9.5% in the first three months of 2020 to a record […]

07 Jan 2021


Glimmers of hope for the New Year Over the past year, our vulnerabilities have been starkly exposed by coronavirus, and the pandemic continues to present an array of challenges on many different levels. Economic frailties have also been laid bare but, as we enter a new year, shoots of optimism are beginning to emerge, with rising hopes of recovery in 2021 and beyond. A gradual recovery The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) final 2020 assessment of global economic prospects was entitled […]

27 Jul 2020


In the current climate, there is uncertainty in all of our lives with both health and financial concerns. However, while we are all understandably focusing on the here and now, it might be worth using this time to take a step back and review your long-term financial wellbeing as well. This newsletter takes a look at some of the areas you might want to consider. Of course, we are on hand to support you through any challenges ahead. Make time […]

27 Jan 2020

Wealth – Winter 2020

Financial resolutions for a prosperous New Year The New Year period is a common time for people to take stock of their finances and make resolutions designed to boost their financial wellbeing. And a new study has found the likelihood of success in this area is heavily linked to receiving professional advice and the establishment of clear financial objectives. Advice is key to success The recently released research1 actually provides a quantitative measure of the value attributed to advice when […]

14 Jan 2019


Winter 2019 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: In the News / What the 2018 Budget means for older people / Number of working women aged 60-64 has doubled / Gifting early to avoid IHT / Trends in baby boomer retirement plans / Where we spend our money / Over-55s feel the pinch from being the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’.   What money rules would you pass to the next generation? As parents and grandparents, we all hope the values that we […]

19 Oct 2018

Your Window on WEALTH – Autumn 2018

  WHAT’S IN STORE FOR THE GLOBAL ECONOMY?  The last few months have seen the release of positive economic reports and grounds for optimism remain with regards to future growth rates, certainly in terms of the US economy. However, while no one is currently predicting the onset of a sharp slowdown or recession, there are signs that the global economy may be starting to lose momentum. The OECD* composite leading indicator, which covers advanced economies plus China, India, Russia, Brazil, […]

18 Jul 2018


ONE IN TEN BRITONS ADMIT THEY ARE BAD WITH MONEY – HOW TO BUCK THE TREND A recent survey1 has shown that for many, building up their savings is not top of their agenda. Everyone should think about putting some money aside for emergencies, and for the bigger things in life like the deposit on a home, a child’s education or a wedding. So, for most of us having some cash that we can access quickly to pay for unexpected […]

03 May 2018


FIVE PERSONAL FINANCE HABITS WE SHOULD ALL ADOPT While most of us think we’re pretty good with our money, we can all benefit from giving our finances a regular health check. If you’re looking to get to grips with your finances and develop better habits, then setting yourself some financial goals and drawing up a budget is a good way to get motivated. Priority debts are those that have the most serious consequences if you don’t repay them, and aren’t […]

30 Jan 2018

Winter 2017/18 Newsletter

COULD YOU BE AN ISA MILLIONAIRE? Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) are a great way to invest free of tax on the income and any capital gains. The amount you can put in each year has gradually increased. A growing number of people are becoming ‘ISA millionaires’ as a result of rising stock market prices, and the steady increase in the annual ISA allowance. GENEROUS ANNUAL LIMITS The allowance for the 2017-18 tax year is set at £20,000, meaning that couples […]