
Tag : nivo

20 Jun 2017


THE RESULT IS IN After seven weeks of campaigning and two electioneering suspensions, due to the tragic Manchester and London terror attacks, the jury – in the form of the electorate – has delivered its verdict. After a tense night, the Conservative Party has emerged as the largest party, however they have failed to reach the magic 326 seat mark which would give them a majority. Theresa May’s gamble has not paid off, this general election has failed to deliver […]

30 May 2017
CJA Financial


THE 2017 GENERAL ELECTION – COUNTING DOWN TO 8 JUNE Theresa May’s surprise decision to call a General Election for 8 June immediately sent ripples through stock and currency markets; Sterling rallied to a six-month high and the FTSE 100 fell back, but has since rebounded. According to the polls, (and how much credence can we all put in those, based on previous elections?) Theresa May started the campaign more popular than any other leader since Margaret Thatcher back in […]

13 Apr 2017
CJA Financial


Rising prices and stagnant wage growth have resulted in the first fall in living standards in two and a half years, according to official figures. Labour market data from the Office for National Statistics showed that regular pay in the UK in February was 1.9% higher than a year earlier and is running below the 2.3% increase in prices. Despite a fresh fall in unemployment and record job vacancies, economists expect the squeeze on real inflation-adjusted wages to intensify over the […]

13 Apr 2017
CJA Financial


In his first and last ‘Spring Budget’, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, declared a “new chapter” in the UK’s history as the country embarks on its journey to exit the European Union via Brexit. Much of the Budget’s focus was on social care and a rise in National Insurance costs for the self-employed. There was little that will significantly affect personal financial planning apart from a reduction next year in the £5,000 tax-free dividend allowance.   OBR PROJECTIONS […]

06 Jul 2012
CJA Financial


Whichever way you voted, 23 June 2016 will be remembered as a momentous day in the history of not only the UK, but also Europe and beyond. After months of uncertainty andmarketvolatility,thepeopleofthe UKvotedtoleavetheEuropeanUnion (EU) by 51.9% to 48.1%, after 43 years of membership. The decision inevitably brings some uncertainty and confusion to the markets, sterling and the political landscape. Events will continue to unfold at a rapid rate. What is unclear is how long that uncertainty and confusion will continue. […]